Demystifying Angel Investors: Insights from 'Angel' by Jason Calacanis

angel investing book recommendations pre-seed Oct 26, 2023
Demystifying Angel Investors

You have already completed reading 'Zero to One,' 'The Lean Startup,' 'Start with Why,' and 'Venture Deals.' You have a solid grasp of how to evaluate your startup idea and understand how Venture Capital firms operate and invest. You are all set to meet with a16z, Sequoia, and Accel. But hold on a second – aren't you primarily targeting Angel Investors for your pre-seed round?

Now that you have acquired all the tools you need to kickstart your company, developed a fundamental understanding of how Venture Capital funds operate, and become acquainted with the jargon used by investors, I highly recommend reading 'Angel' by Jason Calacanis (you can also find it by its full name: Angel: How to Invest in Technology Startups--Timeless Advice from an Angel Investor Who Turned $100,000 into $100,000,000… yeah, no comments), one of the most influential Angel Investors in the field (Uber, Calm, Robinhood).

Now that you have gathered all the tools necessary to launch your company, developed a fundamental understanding of how Venture Capital funds operate, and familiarized yourself with the investor jargon, I highly recommend reading 'Angel' by Jason Calacanis (alternatively, you can find it by its full name: 'Angel: How to Invest in Technology Startups—Timeless Advice from an Angel Investor Who Turned $100,000 into $100,000,000... yeah, no comments).

Jason Calacanis is renowned as one of the most influential Angel Investors in the field (with investments in Uber, Calm, and Robinhood). In his book, you will learn about how serious Angel Investors think and evaluate potential investments. Most importantly, you will understand what they expect to learn from your business and from you before they write that substantial check. Finally, you will explore the different types of Angels and the ways they interact with their investments (yes, not all Angels are created equal).

I thoroughly enjoyed reading (and listening to) this book because of Jason's no-BS approach. He shares everything he knows without any filter! I strongly recommend getting the Audible version since Jason himself narrates the book, and he conveys his insights in a very eloquent manner.

Fernando Moreno

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