Untold Pros and Cons of Crowdfunding

angel investing crowdfunding fundraising Feb 20, 2024
Untold Pros and Cons of Crowdfunding

In the realm of fundraising, equity crowdfunding stands out as an innovative way for startups and small businesses to secure capital. Unlike traditional methods of investment, equity crowdfunding offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to raise funds by selling ownership stakes in their company to a large pool of investors through online platforms. Note that this is different from Product Crowdfunding, where backers typically prepay for a tangible item.

Before delving into the benefits and disadvantages of equity crowdfunding, it's crucial to understand the regulatory framework governing this fundraising method. In the United States, two primary regulations govern equity crowdfunding: Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF) and Regulation A+ (Reg A+). Reg CF allows companies to raise up to $5 million in a 12-month period, while Reg A+ permits offerings of up to $75 million annually, with additional regulatory requirements. Note that there are different requirements and “tiers” for each of these crowdfunding regulations. For more detailed information, we recommend visiting the SEC website. There, you can access valuable resources and find all the details you need to determine if this opportunity is a good fit for you.

Without further ado, let's delve into the advantages and disadvantages of equity crowdfunding!

Pros of Equity Crowdfunding

  1. Terms: One of the primary advantages of equity crowdfunding is the ability for companies to set their own terms, including valuation and Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). This flexibility empowers entrepreneurs to structure deals that align with their business goals and vision.
  2. Quick Access to Capital: Equity crowdfunding platforms often support a rolling close feature, enabling companies to receive funds incrementally as they reach milestones. This allows for swift access to capital, with some platforms facilitating cash disbursement once a minimum threshold, typically $10,000, is met.
  3. Control over Timeline: Unlike traditional fundraising routes, equity crowdfunding allows companies to define their own fundraising timeline. This autonomy enables entrepreneurs to adapt their approach based on market conditions and investor interest.
  4. Consolidated Investor Management: Most crowdfunding platforms streamline investor management by consolidating all investors into a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). This simplifies administrative tasks such as communication, reporting, and shareholder engagement.
  5. Inclusivity of Investors: Equity crowdfunding opens doors to both accredited and non-accredited investors, expanding the pool of potential backers. This element is key if you have non-accredited acquaintances that would like to support your company.
  6. Access to Investor Networks: Crowdfunding platforms boast extensive investor networks, providing companies with exposure to thousands of potential backers. Leveraging these networks can amplify outreach efforts and increase the likelihood of fundraising success.

Cons of Equity Crowdfunding

  1. Increased Paperwork: Engaging in equity crowdfunding entails additional paperwork, including CPA-reviewed financials, SEC filings, and legal contracts with the crowdfunding platform. Navigating these regulatory requirements can be time-consuming and resource intensive.
  2. High Commission Rates: Crowdfunding platforms typically charge a commission on funds raised, with rates varying between platforms. For example, WeFunder charges 7.9% of the total raised for Reg CF offerings, alongside other fees. Additionally, some platforms may negotiate equity stakes, potentially diluting the founder's ownership in the company.
  3. Dependence on Traction: Success in equity crowdfunding often hinges on demonstrating traction and investor interest. Companies with limited visibility or early-stage ventures may struggle to attract backers, necessitating alternative fundraising strategies (I.e., marketing campaigns, fundraise the initial funds of the current round outside the crowdfunding platform, etc.).
  4. Limitations on Round Size and Duration: Equity crowdfunding imposes restrictions on the maximum amount of capital raised and the duration of the fundraising round. These limitations may constrain fundraising efforts, particularly for companies seeking substantial investment or facing prolonged fundraising timelines.

Lastly, it's worth considering whether equity crowdfunding aligns with your company's target audience and market positioning. Crowdfunding may be a suitable option if you believe you can establish a meaningful connection with potential investors. For instance, if your business offers a B2B software solution in the telecom sector, connecting with investors on a crowdfunding platform might prove challenging due to the specialized nature of the industry. However, if your product addresses a widespread issue affecting the general population you may find it easier to resonate with a broad base of investors. This was the case for Levels, a health platform providing real-time feedback based on diet and lifestyle choices that in February 2022 was able to raise $5M. As exemplified by Levels' successful campaign, tapping into the interests and concerns of a broader audience can significantly enhance your fundraising prospects through equity crowdfunding.

While equity crowdfunding offers numerous benefits, it's essential for entrepreneurs to weigh these advantages against the associated challenges. By understanding the nuances of this fundraising method and carefully assessing their company's needs and objectives, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions to propel their ventures forward. As the landscape of finance continues to evolve, equity crowdfunding remains a compelling option for innovative startups seeking to secure capital and engage with a diverse community of investors.


Fernando Moreno
Growth Partner

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