Financial Modeling Expertise

We understand that solid projections in your pro-forma financial statements are not just numbers; they are your company's roadmap to convince investors of its true potential and value. Beyond mere figures, they showcase your in-depth understanding of your business and its growth trajectory.

Why Choose VGP for Your Financial Projections?

We specialize in reviewing and generating pro-forma financial statements that are tailor-made to pass the most rigorous investor scrutiny. We focus on pre-seed and seed companies actively seeking capital infusion. Our mission is clear: to ensure your financial projections stand as a testament to your company's viability.

Our Process Is Simple:

1-on-1 Meeting

Our process begins with a personalized session where we get to know your business model and gather all your key assumptions.

Devil's Advocate

We will analyze and adjust your assumptions to reflect the reality of your stage, industry, and geographic location based on our experience and market research.

Financial Model

We will create a financial model that not only is accurate but also flexible. This means that as you validate or change your assumptions, the model adapt seamlessly.

Capital Needs

Based on the assumptions used, we will precisely estimate how much capital (if any) you will need to carry out the proposed projects and ensure the expected growth of your company.

Key Pro-Forma Financial Statements


Most Popular

  • Assumption Validation
  • Cost Analysis
  • Pro-Forma Income Statement
  • Pro-Forma Balance Sheet
  • Pro-Forma Cash Flow Statement 
  • 36-Month Projections
  • Determine Capital Needs

Experience That Sets Us Apart

We bring years of industry experience to the table. Our unique perspective allows us to ensure:

  • Achievable Projections: We validate your projections based on your past performance and industry benchmarks, ensuring they are not just aspirational but attainable.
  • Comprehensive Cost Analysis: We take into account all the costs typically incurred by startups, leaving no stone unturned in your financial planning.
  • Strategic Runway Planning: We help you calculate precisely how much capital you need to fuel your planned growth, ensuring a smooth flight ahead. 

Incorporating VGP's expertise into your financial projections means more than just numbers; it's about building investor confidence, making informed decisions, and driving your company's success story forward.